Easily prepare for the exam from anywhere with the questions that appeared in AÖF. It is now very easy to prepare for the exam with the AÖF question bank mobile application.Now you dont need to carry a supplementary book, practice exam lecture notes with you, you can easily prepare yourself for the exam by solving questions from anywhere with your phone or tablet by downloading the application.All of the Associate and Undergraduate Programs at Anadolu University Open Education Faculty (OEF) are included in the application.Choose your section and start working, it contains 62 sections and more than 30 thousand tests with a total of 250 thousand more than 500 thousand essay questions.* Download all the tests of the course you want with one touch so you can study offline (for now, only the questions can be downloaded)* Easily track your progress.* Add the tests you want to your favourites.* practice exams consisting of hundreds of thousands of questions* unit summaries for quick preparation for exams* unit-separated questions and answersSections in the application:Emergency and Disaster ManagementJusticeCookingBanking and Insuranceoffice management and executive assistanceGeographic Information SystemsCall Center ServicesLabor Economics and Industrial RelationsChild DevelopmentForeign tradeElectric Power Generation, Transmission and DistributionProperty and Property ManagementDisabled Care and RehabilitationHousehold AdministrationphilosophyPhotography and VideographyPublic relations and advertisingPublic Relations and PromotionAviation ManagementEconomyTheologyTheology (Arabic)English teacherHuman Resources ManagementBusinessBusiness (English)Business AdministrationPublic administrationHospitality ManagementCultural Heritage and TourismLaboratory and Veterinary HealthLogisticsFinanceBrand CommunicationMedia and CommunicationSecurities and Capital Marketsaccounting and tax practicesPre-school teachingPrivate Security and ProtectionRetail Sales and Store ManagementRadio and Television ProgrammingManagement of Health InstitutionsHealthcare ManagementSocial serviceSocial servicesSociologySports ManagementAgricultureHistoryMedical Documentation and SecretarialTourism and hotel ManagementTourism and Travel ServicesTurkish language and literatureInternational relationsInternational Relations (English)International Trade and Logistics ManagementWeb Design and CodingElderly careLocal Authoritiesmanagement information systems